Hi my name is Felicity. I have been blind since birth. Though I do not believe that having blindness or any other disability should prevent you from taking full advantage of what ever life offers you. Or taking up an opportunity that comes your way. Since I am blind I have a special program which allows me to navigate a computer called Jaws. Jaws is a special speech program, which will read text that is on a computer screen. As well as reading anything the user types.
When you first start using a computer, it is a good idea to have the most up to date computer that you are able to. If you wish to purchase Jaws, you can call or email Vision Australia. They will nowadays send you Jaws in the form of an email, to load on to your computer. This is a page I have created with the most used Jaws short cut keys. Which I think may be useful for other people.
Handy JAWS Hotkeys
Laptop key commands for reading text:
To say character: caps lock and comma.
Say character phonetically: caps lock plus comma twice fast.
Read prior word: control and left arrow.
Say next word: caps lock and k.
Spell current word: caps lock and k twice fast.
Spell current word on desk top: insert and numpad 5 fast.
Say prior word on laptop: capslock and j.
Say prior word on desktop: insert and left arrow.
Say next word on laptop: caps lock plus l.
Say next word on laptop desktop: insert plus right arrow.
Say line on desktop: insert and down arrow.
Say line on laptop: caps lock and i twice fast.
Spell line on desktop: insert and up arrow twice fast.
Say prior line on laptop: caps lock and u.
Say prior line on desktop: up arrow.
Say next line on laptop: caps lock and o.
Say next line on desktop: down arrow.
Say sentence on laptop: caps lock and h.
Say sentence on desktop: Alt plus numpad 5.
Say prior sentence on laptop: caps lock and y.
Say prior sentence on desktop: Alt and up arrow.
Say next sentence on laptop: caps lock and n.
Say next sentence on desktop: Alt and down arrow.
Say paragraph on laptop: caps lock and Control and i.
Say paragraph on desktop: Control and numpad 5.
Say prior paragraph on laptop: caps lock and Control and u.
Say prior paragraph on desktop: Control and up arrow.
Say next paragraph on laptop: caps lock and Control and o.
Say next paragraph on desktop: Control and down arrow.
Say text up to cursor, on laptop: caps lock and shift and j.
Say text up to cursor, on desktop: caps lock and home.
Say text from cursor, on laptop: insert and shift and l.
Say text from cursor, on desktop: insert and page up.
Say all on laptop: Control and a.
Say all on desktop: insert and down arrow.
Rewind during say all: left arrow.
Fast forward during say all: right arrow.
Interrupt speech: Control.
Say Window title : insert and t.
To shut down Jaws: insert and F4.
Open start menu: Control and escape.
Move one character left: left arrow.
Move one word left: control and left arrow.
Move one word right: control and right arrow.
Move to beginning of line: home.
Move to end of line: end.
Move one paragraph up: Control and up arrow.
Move one paragraph down: Control and down arrow.
Move to start: Control and home.
Move to end : Control and end.
Undo: control and z.
Delete next character: delete.
Delete previous character: backspace.